Isaac looked across his cousin to Chandler, cracking a grin. "Do you hear the foul falsehoods of a serpent, dear brother?" Chandler had almost yelped and cursed the person who dared to touch him like that but relaxed when he saw who it was. He rolled his eyes as he was hugged around the shoulders and shot a glance over to Isaac that seemed to say 'She's blocking you'. He then heard his brother actually speak and Chandler figured he might as well make conversation, even if he hated it. "I hear it all right, insane mutterings and all." From among the loose crowd of students milling about the grounds, in the general direction of the castle, Evangelina di Diavolo emerged. Isaac had the vague inkling that the girl was related to him, but he wasn't sure in what way. Not very closely, in any case. She was a rough and tumble kind of lass, and Isaac liked that about her, Chandler for his part had just finished scoping out a few of the new arrivals that had came up from the carriage and then turned his body to see Evangelina. He tilted his head slightly and his eyes took in her stance, her voice, and where her eyes went during the conversation. He was at some location in the family tree related to this girl and while some people would take that to mean they could trust them, Chandler knew better and knew sometimes you had to keep family on an even tighter leash than fresh friends. [i]"Ciao, Isaac! Why did you bring your sword to school with you?"[/i] she asked, amused, [i]"Are you going to get into a fight with someone? I should have brought my own saber - we could have dueled on the house tables for the entertainment of the Headmaster." [/i] At the mention of the sword Chandler smirked to himself and listened to his twin speak. He wore no weapon on his hip and was one of the only boys in the crowd who didn't in terms of purebloods. He personally didn't think he needed it, his command of Magic and talent for fighting gave him all the protection he needed with the Wand. Not that anybody knew that, they saw him as a quiet bookworm who did good in theory not practice. He wondered if this would be the year he showed them all, and if so what that would mean for him and his brother. Isaac gave her a different sort of smile than the one he had for his twin. "Well, Eva, sometimes you pick a fight, and sometimes the fight picks you."