- Andromeda - Andro shook her head [color=39b54a]"no, I'm fine, at least I think so, got some snow in my eyes and the bar might have bruised something but I'm alive"[/color] she repeated her own question because Rain hadn't answered her [color=39b54a]"what about you? are you alright?"[/color] she tightened her own coat around her as best she could as she said it. [color=007236][i]'dammit'[/i][/color] she thought [color=007236][i]'I have to get down from here, in any normal situation i'd suggest just waiting for rescue, it's surely incoming but there's not guarantee I can last that long...'[/i][/color] she looked at Rain, saw the teeth and the glowing eyes. she reached over, trying to still her shaking hand as she put it on the werewolf's shoulder [color=39b54a]"it's gonna be... be alright, we'll be f-fine"[/color] she tried smiling again, but it wavered as a chill wind flowed across them. [color=007236][i]'why is it so cold?!'[/i][/color] she thought, scientifically she knew, there was nothing blocking the wind and they were pretty high up in altitude so being farther from the earth's core made it colder as well, but she didn't want to think scientifically right now, she wanted to panic, but if she panicked, Rain probably would and that might end in disaster. so she ignored her own shivers and increasingly lower body temperature and looked forward towards the next checkpoint again [color=39b54a]"no, I can't see anything, the snow's to heavy, but I'm sure someone's on their way to help us already,"[/color]