[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] [color=skyblue]"Good"[/color] She said, sighing in relief. She had hoped Andro hadn't been harmed at all but a bruise didn't seem to bad. She turned to look at Andromeda as she repeated her question, her expression caught between showing surprise and agitation. [color=skyblue]"I'm fine, no permanent damage...werewolf remember"[/color] She answered before leaning forward. She actually considered changing her answer after the lift moved, she [i]wasn't[/i] fine. She was pissed...mainly at herself for getting in the lift in the first place. She knew better than trust machines like this. Feeling Andro clasp her shoulder, Rain looked down at it, her expression unnaturally stony as the gorgon tried to reassure her for the second time. Her brow furrowed and her eyes tightened as she resisted the urge to snap at her. Knowing for a fact it wouldn't help their situation...and Andro didn't deserve it. Instead she literally bit down on her tongue and allowed her rage to simmer in the depths of her belly. Instead she tried to focus on the reassuring beat of her own heart...and Andromeda's. It was around this time that she noticed that something seemed off with her friend, firstly being that her heart was beating slower than normal... [color=skyblue]"No, we can't depend on that"[/color] Rain growled, pinching the bridge of her nose [color=skyblue]"We have to think about this logically...assume nobody is coming for us"[/color] It was a strange way of picturing it but to Rain these people were not a part of her pack which meant they were not reliable or important. It was up to them to get out of this...but. [color=skyblue]"Andro...your heart beat sounds off"[/color] She blurted out, carefully leaning forward so that she could look the gorgon in the face. Lifting her hand she moved it towards Andro face, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she brazenly reached out to spread her fingertips against Andromeda's cheek. If she managed to the difference in temperature would probably be a shock for both of them. Rain wasn't wearing gloves, she'd outright refused and it was clear why, her fingertips practically throbbed with warmth as if she'd just toasted them over a fire.