[color=9e005d][h3][center]~The Ever so Great Witch [s]in training[/s], Selma~[/center][/h3][/color] Well, despite her earlier thinking this morning would be somewhat tolerable, she was quickly wishing she was back inside. The morning was far from hot or humid, but as someone who sunburned very easily, she was not really into even remotely warm temperatures. Well, unless she was taking a luxurious bubble bath, but that was entirely different. This walk through the forest was getting a little arduous. [color=9e005d]"Urgh...well, at least its not 'I'm melting' levels of bad."[/color] She groaned. Why did she think this was ever a good idea? She should have sat her cute butt right down in a chair at home and drank tea and spent her time messing with anyone who passed by her window. But no, she decided to be somewhat adventurous today! Well, now she was sweating and she still hadn't mastered that spell that kept her cool and composed during the summer. ...she really should get to work on that. Eventually, she decided to get some nice, blissful reprieve from the sun by way of a cave. It was the towns mine, if she remembered correctly. May not be the nicest of places, but it was definitely likely to be cool. She waltzed into the cave, and was immediately assaulted by the relatively cooler air. She took a seat on a rock. [color=9e005d]"Ahh, much better~"[/color] She mused to herself...before realizing that she might not be alone here.