Spinning in her desk chair for an hour, reading the ever so interesting happenings in the local Bellview newspaper, "Oh, would you look at that... Lane Hart won best winter crops at the Winter Crop Competition... Like every season." Downing the last of her third cup of joe, Guinevere laid the paper on her desk and stood up stretching. "It's the beginning of Spriiing," she mumbled to herself, "I'm sure someone would want new clooothes." Sighing, she decided she'll close shop in a couple hours and try to get her evening chores done. "Oooor... I could do them on the clock, they are for the shop after all..." Putting a [i]"Out to lunch"[/I] sign on her desk, the tailor walked out of the shop, unlocked as crime was nonexistent in Bellview. She walked along the brick path. A few buildings down was the flower shop. "Dyes..." She muttered. Walking in, the bell chimed.