[color=9e0b0f][i]What...why...I didn't...[/i][/color] chilly daggers stabbed at her heart. Fear radiated through her body sapping warmth as it went. With each of his steps forward she took one back until the last. This was crazy this feeling of dread. Her chain belt jingled driving memory's of her late mentor to her mind. No! Was he a Rioter, able to amplify a certain emotion? Surely this was the source of the crushing panic that threatened to bend her will. She would have none of it! Digging down to her metal reserves she started to burn Brass, the power of a Soother. With a small burn it could dampen certain emotions. She instead sough to eradicate them. Flaring her Brass in her stomach the powered increased tenfold at the expense of burning the stockpile much quicker. Her mind was a little foggy as result and her stomach radiated heat. Stomping her foot down fear drifted from her like a stubborn fog meeting the heat of a sun blaze. [b][color=9e0b0f]"Stop! You lunatic"[/color][/b] She bellowed, fire in her eyes returning as her stance become more aggressive. [color=9e0b0f]"You will not halt my progress."[/color] Anger drifted upward now as she burned steel throwing the knives through the air. Once they reached about a foot away she pushed, throwing her weight against the left projectile causing it to move much faster than it's twin. The intent for the left to speed forward to strike the foe somewhere in the midsection as the right moved further to the right of the foe in case of a dodge to the right. Hoping that was enough of a distraction her hand fell into her front pockets gathering goodies for this maniac.