Magic was far from an unfamiliar subject for the assassin, especially considering his own weapon and immortality. Gesticulation is among the most common casting methods for magic, so common that even gods use it from time to time. Seeing someone remove their hand from their weapon and prepare for an attack in that way was not only obvious, but insulting. Shin watched the motion as it was made, already moving out of the way as her hand began to drop. The movement was as fluid as water, it had been prepared since the beginning. Shin's angled footing allowed him to jump backwards and pull his extremities towards himself. Leaping off and to the left. The direction of the draw and the speed of the attack wouldn't allow a jump to the right, it would have bisected him otherwise. After leaping, he let his weight drift for a moment over a much longer distance than he would naturally be able to. Shifting the mass of the wires on his body into the negative, reducing his own weight to almost negligible for a moment. When his feet hit the ground he returned the weight to normal and returned to his stance. Shin had let her get the first move, and instead of physical combat she had gone mystical. That was indicative of how she would fight this battle. A cutting wave was a good start, but if gesticulation was the way she was going to cast. Well. It just wasn't going to work. It was Shin's turn to go on the offensive, and he had the perfect measure to counter this manner of spellcasting. The end of his staff broadened into an almost paddle like shape. A long fan blade adorned the tip of it, shaped loosely like a leaf that had been stretched out. Deflective weaponry would work nicely. Hmm, if only he had practiced Jai-Alai he might be a spot better at what he's about to do. There was not much room between them at this point, he had only jumped off to the side. The distance between them had only doubled from the point where she had fired. Shin began to run, maintaining his posture as he ran. Holding the staff behind himself to give the absolute most momentum once he actually began to swing it. If Corban hadn't started moving by the time he got in melee range, he would stop his run and turn on his heel. Spinning the bladed staff behind himself and completing a full bodily rotation. Bringing the flat of the blade towards her, this would put the paddle between himself and anything that she could cast in that period of time.