[img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/f178/th/pre/i/2011/335/a/e/iksar_zerk_by_skaramanger-d4hv9mu.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Scalesert Kazik [b]Race:[/b] Cursed Iksar [b]Allegiance:[/b] Seit the Necromancer [b]Abilities:[/b] Shadow Knight Training, Curse of the Tar Skin [hider=Shadow Knight Training] [b]Arms and Armor:[/b] Shadow Knights are put through extensive training of all Iksar weaponry and are forced to master three. Scales is a master the Spear, shield, and Dao. [b]Cursed Arms:[/b] Shadow Knights weapons are attuned to their owners and are able to channel some of their owners power. [b]Soul Rend:[/b] Shadow Knights are able to harm the soul of a target as well as their body. Through unholy forces, both good and evil souls receive damage from attacks as well that slowly sap the will and stamina of the foe. [b]Harm Touch:[/b] The Shadow Knight's greatest weapon is the Harm Touch an ability bestowed on them through their vile pledge to the Faceless God. By drinking the still beating blood of a Paladin they corrupt they Lay on Hands ability to do harm. However simple decay energy isn't the only use of the Harm Touch. By using this ability, a portion of the Shadow Knight's soul is destroyed causing terrible pain. [b]Corrupted Harm Touch:[/b] By laying a finger on a target the opposite energy that fuels it is transferred to tear into their blood stream, neural network, or chakra line. It is akin to a through beating in terms of pain and damage, however it can also sunder weapons and interrupt their magical alibies for a short time. [b]Heat Harm Touch:[/b] Channeling the powers of Prince of Flames, the corruption is instead transferred into searing heat. Scalesert has been able to melt metal by sustained contact. [b]Cursed Transference Harm Touch:[/b] This ability does nothing on its own. It can only be used after the Shadow Knight has been harmed. Through this process, similar wounds would appear on the target that the Shadow Knight has sustained. Some use this as a final attack when falling in battle to kill their foes, despite the recoil. [/hider] [hider=Cure of the Tar Skin] The Curse of the Tar Skin was not something taken lightly, in fact it was only when face with starving to death on two broken legs that Scalesert agreed to the malevolent skin and ate the devil's fruit. This curse causes the bearer to have unquenchable thirst, gnawing hunger, and unstable desire for the pleasure of flesh. No matter how much of any of those, it always remains unless something new is tired. However it does come with boons. [b]Tar Skin Armament:[/b] The Tar Skin is able to produce weapons and shields from a hardened tar like material. It retains the stickiness of tar and the comparable strength to iron. The true terror of this weapons however is that they pass on the intense desire for food, and unquenchable, thirst, and the desire for flesh. At the command of the bearer, this weapons can collapse into blobs of hot tar. [b]Tar Skin Tolerance:[/b] The strongest or worst of the curse is the fact that once the bearer experiences something it is dulled each time. Thus the desires it instill in the victim never cease. However Scalesert has found that this extends into pain and wounds. Once the Iksar has experienced pain or a wound from a weapon it dulls the effects each subsequent time. This only extends to the same exact pain or instrument. The same attack from a differnet target would still deal the normal amount of damage. [/hider]