Gabriel listened to Paul’s description of what this O.M.N.I faction was, and things still didn’t seem to make sense. These nations that had joined together to form this O.M.N.I had been pretty much flattened during the war’s end and none of them would have the power to rebuild an ordered government or unite under one banner. And this Z.A.F.T organization sounded like a bunch of terrorists, but then again the victor is the one to wright history so without seeing either side Gabriel really couldn’t judge. When the pilot finished and called him over to meet the captain Gabriel gave a little grin, “Right time to go meet the boss man, maybe we can shed a little light on this situation.” He said falling in line ready to be taken to the captain. The security escort was to be expected, Gabriel knew it would be crazy to let any of the newcomers just have free reign to walk the ship, sure they had all declared allegiance to the earth, but words alone aren’t good enough to place your trust in people. Taking the stairs was a little tedious, but Gabriel didn’t mind it much as again four unknowns in a small cramped elevator is a recipe for trouble. When they reached the conference room the Captain started off with a bit of humor, Gabe caught on and gave a smirk, “True it is more effective, and let’s face it biting random people kind of makes you look weird.” He joked as he moved to a char where he could at least see all the others who sat on the table, although this wasn’t really necessary, because as a Newtype the only one who could really match his reflexes was the lieutenant but it was always good to be cautious. “Ohh and I am Gabriel Cross, the one who got the fancy introduction. I must say this is a fine ship you have here Sir.” He added as he sat and listened to the others talk for a bit. As he listened Gabriel almost smirked, this captain defiantly knew how to handle people. Although he was just giving what would be kindergarten information to him to the group he was working it in a way that it wasn’t insulting. Again the information itself was new to Gabriel, but he could tell it was nothing more than you would learn from a history book. The captain had also let on that he had a theory in mind and Gabriel wondered if it would be the same one running through his own thoughts. When the Captain had finished Gabriel decided that it was his turn to speak. “Well since I have already been labeled a crazy by your men, I think I should be the one to start off with a crazy theory. What if somehow we are on an Earth not our own, each of us pulled from a number of parallel universes or something like that?” He started off with the question he had been thinking up for a while now. “I say this because otherwise things don’t make sense, None of us know each other’s organizations or affiliations, our lines of history and fact don’t seem to line up and well even the designs of our suits and this ship are foreign to the others.” He continued with his little theory, “Now with that all said I’ll tell you a bit of what I know to be true. About nine years ago I was fighting in something called the 7th Space War, A pointless fight between the United Nations Earth and the Space Revolutionary Army over a missed dinner date or something stupid like that. But anyway that war ended when the SRA decided to drop colonies onto earth itself, not just one but a lot of them. My soldiers and I tried to intercept these colonies and neutralize the threat, but we couldn’t do enough. The Earth went up in flames as Colonies pelted the Earth’s surface. By the time I was able to get back to Earth things were well bad to say the least, when I was finally able to find survivors from my home town there were barley 500 left alive, And that was the survivors from London England, and nowhere else on the earth seemed any better from my view in space. After the drops the Earth entered a Nuclear Winter which lasted 7 years and my community has just barely been able to rise from the ashes.” He explained the events of the war and its aftermath not really wanting to reveal any more than really needed. “And this is why I came up with the crazy theory I mentioned earlier, because in my world, none of this exists, even this landscape is far to pristine coming from what I am used to” He added not really thinking it would persuade anyone to believe him, but he was already considered a crazy by the men of this ship so it wasn't really all that bad.