It seems, after all, that nobody wants to intercept the four men as they escape the scene. They certainly don't encounter any resistance as they make their way out of the area, and they are soon well away from the scene of the deaths. Nick himself does not enjoy killing people for the sake of it... but, when a man with a gun shows he's willing to use it for its intended purpose, what can you do but ensure he never does so again? His past experience shows that giving certain types of people an inch will let them take a mile - that is to say, if they were keen to kill before a jail sentence, they certainly won't be averse to it afterward and especially during, given how many jails are set up. A shame that rehabilitation of criminals is so low on the priority list of such institutions, but dealing with the problem on that scale is presently beyond Nick's purview. Maybe later on, he figures, he can finagle his way into the political system, get himself in a position of power... unlikely, given his current "occupation", but not strictly impossible. Regardless, they're back in the downtown area of Angel Springs within the half-hour, though Nick is in a far more energised state than the others by this time. At this time of day, most members of the Kaisers are out and about the town, and the Kaiser Chief's cohort passes a fair few of them on the way back to the gang's main holdings; to each of them, he mentions the girl he briefly talked to, that she left her duffel bag in the middle of the street (showing the bag itself as evidence), and tells them to bring her straight to the warehouse if she asks about him or her bag. The warehouse: a pretty old structure just on the border of the industrial part of town and the downtown area, previously taken over by the Kaisers when Baines was still in charge. In his time, it had been allowed to become semi-dilapidated; under Nick's orders, however, it had been refurbished to actually look reasonably decent for what basically amounted to a communal homeless shelter. There weren't holes in the walls and roof now, at least, and some repainting had been done since Baines' attack on the gang he once led. A few gang members remain in the building even at this time of day - there are only so many tasks to assist with even in a city like this, after all. Then again, a major job has just presented itself... 'Right, you lot,' Nick calls out, drawing the attention of everyone else in the building, 'there's a job I need you to handle. This duffel bag belongs to a girl in a navy blue jacket, and she left it on the street. She'll probably want it back, and I want you guys to go out and tell the other Kaisers about her. If she comes up to you or them asking about me or her bag, bring her straight here, alright? That goes for you three too,' he states to the three gangers by his side, prompting an unnecessary groan from Jim. 'Do you mind if we take a short break before heading out?' the man asks, still huffing and puffing. 'We don't all have the Ripple to power us through lunch, or lack of... and I did just get shot.' 'Well gee, Jim, way to be ungrateful for a continued lease on life,' Nick deadpans. 'But yes, you three take ten, fifteen minutes downtime, and then I want you back out there, ASAP. Let's get moving, folks!' he cries, and with a rallying yell, the few people still in the building head out once again- save Nick's three companions, who head to the back of the warehouse to grab some bottles of water for themselves, and Nick himself, who heads up to the second floor and takes a seat, beginning one of the basic Ripple exercises his parents taught him - namely, breathing in continuously for several minutes at a time before exhaling, in Nick's case just over fifteen before reaching capacity. [@Eviledd1984][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Lurkerlurks][@Lazy Rocktime][@Dark Eternity][@Lugubrious]