The restaurant was slowly emptying, but not fast enough for Sabrina. She wanted to help outside. Make sure the perpetrators would receive their proper punishment. Hell, if she would have her Steel Balls with me, she could easily fight them off. Make them punch themselves and knock them out, or simply convulse in cramps and pain. The Spin was truly a magnificent power, she learned. It kept quite a lot of one-sided thinkers away from her when she had a night out with her friends. She barely noticed that one of the patrons seemed to have "fixed" the window. The thin green plant matter that replaced the window was barely visible, apart from the green tint it left the light coming through with. However, this membrane was soon disturbed by a flashing movement. The newcomer into the restaurant was sure a sight that made Sabrina lose it. She growled and stomped on the ground, throwing her fists above her head and back down. "Hey! Can't you see people try to live peaceful here?", she barked in the general direction of Rachel and the people outside. "And here you are, waltzing around with your big smudgy faces, thinking you owe this place." She walks closer to the broken window. Her eyes are filled with maniacal anger [i](in anime terms: the shine in her eyes vanished etc)[/i]. "We don't need any of your hillbilly game playing around here!" With that, she slammed a fist on a nearby table, making the contents leap for a tiny bit. She quickly grabbed a glass from said table and pulled the ice cubes from it. In her tantrum, she did not care who was right or wrong in this. She rolled the cubes in her hand for a moment before launching them at Rachel with a loud [b]"Uukhai!"[/b] erupting from her lungs. The cubes drifted in the air, curving and spinning like baseballs towards Rachel, but before even getting close enough to her, they simply melted and tiny droplets of water sprayed over. "Huh?" was the answer from Sabrina, before she looked at her wet hand and then over at the table. Of course throwing ice cubes in the middle of summer and with a technique such as the Spin would melt them almost instantly. Even the air conditioning from the restaurant could not help her out. She quickly scanned the table for other (almost) spherical objects and could not find any. "Aw man... And here I thought I could be like my teacher", she muttered and kicked a chair against the table so it would not sit on her way to the back of the restaurant.