[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/b4mXgO7.png[/img] [color=#008b45][H2]ASAHI GOROSHI[/H2][/color] And Others[/center] Asahi waited for the others to leave before he faced the gang alone. [color=#008b45]"Cut the shit. We both know what's happening in the Black City don't mean shit us. You know who I am. So why did you want to talk to Shiro?"[/color] The gang leader sighed and turned towards Asahi. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting you. But I guess since you've already made such a big ruckus, it'd be inevitable that you get involved. But do you really think I'm going to tell you everything? C'mon." Letting someone else on the dance pad the cleaner walked up to Asahi, facing him down. He was taller than Asahi, though Asahi was much bigger. "I know our bosses better than you do, so I'm just following orders. You know what that means, right? That means you get the [i]fuck[/i] out of my way. I don't give a damn about what you or your bitches do in Deep Ground. But if you don't want your shit kicked, then you had better leave. Don't worry, what we had in store would be good for everyone, even you. Be a good little pup and maybe you'll-" The gang leader's monologue was then interrupted with a fist to his face. Letting his anger get the better of him, Asahi was relentless. Right after socking him, he grabbed the leader by his shirt and tossed him into the corner of one of the arcade machines. The others quickly ganged up on Asahi, but he managed to take one and use him as a human shield, beating his face while keeping the others on the opposite side of him. The dog started barking like mad, alerting practically everyone of the fight. Asahi knew he couldn't fight here, not while Shiro and the others might still be near by. He needed to go somewhere away to deal with these punks. Taking the cue ball out from his pocket Asahi hurled it at one of the thugs, tossed the current one into a table, and ran for it. Asahi ran out of the mall with most of the gang in toe, even the leader who came with his dog. He lead them on a chase through the cities, taking out each member one-by-one, typically by throwing something hard and heavy at their heads when they turned the corner. Mostly bottles, but he did brick a few guys. Eventually it was just down to Asahi and the gang leader, and Asahi had gotten lost. Between all the running and adrenaline in his veins it was hard to tell where exactly he was at, though he could hear electronic dance music in the distance. He must have been near one of the clubs. As Asahi was trying to figure out a path, he was eventually caught. The gang leader and his dog had him in a long narrow alley; he couldn't out run the dog without taking some sharp turns, and it would surely catch up to him if he tried to run now. So now all he could do was fight. At least until the cleaner took out his gun. "You should have just stayed quiet. Shoulda just kept doing what you've been doing, but nah, now you have to go and be a pest. You know, I actually respected you. You did your job, you enjoyed it, and you were good at it. Yeah, I read your stats. You should have been level 8 by now with all the wins under your belt, but you kept going down to level 3 because of your work with the Sweepers. Me, I'm just in it for the money. I'd never take a fight I can't win. But you, you seemed like the type of guy I could have worked with. But now we know what side you're on, so... Nothing personal, kid." Four shots rang out from the alley way that night. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hDiFUyi.png[/img] [color=#cd2626][H2]DARK WRAITH[/H2][/color][/center] Logging into the game, Dark Wraith wasted no time. She immediately looked into the situation within the entire Black City and the surrounding area. She could see skirmishes all over the city, using their own tanks against each other and causing massive amount of property damage. They would need to be stopped, but she had other concerns to deal with. For starters, there was the Blue Guild outsider of the city. Lead by none other than Broker of Fortune.... Why she thought bringing an army to the gates of the city was a good idea was beyond her. She had to contact her immediately. Dark Wraith took note that there were some turrets firing at the Cobalt Bruisers as well, so Dark Wraith was going to message to players to cease when she noticed something off. No one was manning those turrets, and they aren't automatic. Slamming her fist into a nearby wall Dark Wraith spoke through gritted teeth. [color=#cd2626]"Someone is controlling my city."[/color] Dark Wraith put immediate efforts into countering the hacker's exploits, though it would be some time before she could figure out how exactly he was doing this to stop the turrets. For now the best way to deal with them would be to destroy them... Again. While she was setting up an e-mail for Broker of Fortune Dark Wraith heard the announcement made by both Moon Rider and Paper Moon. She mostly ignored Paper Moon's since his was long and rambling, though she understood the jist of it. But with Moon Rider's, something was off. For starters, Dark Wraith was not informed that Moon Rider intended to actively war against the Cobalt Bruisers. That was detrimental to both their efforts. More importantly, Moon Rider was somehow here before Dark Wraith was. Unless Yoshino could manage being in Deep Ground and dancing in the real world at once, that shouldn't be possible... Unless... This was that doppelganger again. Suddenly many new objectives popped up in Dark Wraith's mind. Stopping the war between the Strykers and Sweepers were important. But this would be another chance for Dark Wraith to figure out how this manifestation of Moon Rider works, and who may be the cause. There were many things going on, and Dark Wraith couldn't waste a moment. [quote]To: Broker of Fortune From: Dark Wraith Subject: Hold your horses Do not attack the Black City. If your forces enter the city, it'd be a war between the Cobalt Bruisers and the Ebony Strykers. That's not something either of us wants or needs. Those turrets however, they aren't being controlled by anyone. Destroy them. I'll meet up with you soon.[/quote] [quote]To: Paper Moon From: Dark Wraith Subject: Combat Orders I am Dark Wraith, second in command of the Ebony Strykers. Position your people near the gates and take out those turrets. The turrets are not under friendly control, and they must be stopped. But do not engage with the Cobalt Bruisers. Do not listen to Moon Rider; they are here to help quell the conflicts within the city. We have a different enemy we all must face together. I will be there soon. [/quote] Sending her messages out Dark Wraith stepped into the open where there were battles being fought. A few straw shots came her direction, but with all these corpses were Dark Wraith had no problems finding dead to protect her. She chose one big avatar, large enough that she could ride on, and another avatar who specialized in range attacks. Using these two Dark Wraith headed towards the main gates, riding on the Big Avatar for speed and using the range ones to ward off attackers. [@Jedly][@Lonewolf685]