It really was a nice day. As Ralph went for his walk, he soaked in the spring day and saw a few people out on the town. Sega was teaching her daughter something or another as they had a picnic, Mimi was preparing her eggs to be sold, and he thought he saw the town’s witch walking into the town’s mine. That seemed kind of strange, but to each their own. Ralph didn’t feel like interrupting anyone though since they all seemed busy, so he ended up just walking back to the store. It had been a while anyway, and it was probably best not to be out all day in case an elderly customer needed help grabbing their groceries or something. As it turned out, someone was waiting for him, but it wasn’t an old person. As Ralph walked into his store, he noticed Whiskey munching on some potato chips at the counter. She seemed a little frustrated, so he hoped that he could cheer her up somehow. “Hi!” the store owner said enthusiastically as he walked up to her, “can I help you with anything?”