[center][color=ed1c24][h1]Our War[/h1] [b]Doom Squad | Nazareth | Outskirts [/b][/color] [b]Featuring:[/b] * [color=0076a3][b]Jasonhero as Jason "Phoenix" Diabolus[/b][/color] * [color=#F6A4D5][b]XxLyraxX as Celeste Sezia[/b][/color] * [color=FF8C00]L0ck0n as Xane "Scout" Sterling[/color] * [color=blue]Rusty4297 as Barry Montreno[/color][/center] [hr] As Xane sat in the pilots seat of Jetto Chosa he would write a few things down on a pen and paper. While doing so he would press a few buttons from one area, and then would move to press a few more buttons in another. Some of the buttons would pop up lists on the main screen, but some would not. "Voltage, check." Writing the results on the notepad Xane would continue on. "Temperature, check." Again he would write the results on a notepad, and then look back up to the screen. "Pressure," Looking back down to his notepad he would see if the numbers were either the same, or similar. "Check." Looking to the left of him at a button that seemed to not be off Xane reached over to turn it off. "RPM's are normal." In a way he was talking to himself, but in another he was talking to Celeste who was on the other side of the comm. [color=FF8C00]"So far so good here Cel,"[/color] Xane would scribble down a few more things. [color=FF8C00]"Just wanted to make sure everything was fine in case something were to happen." [/color] Celeste hummed softly to herself, a tune that sound both hopeful and a little sad at the same time. Her mother used to sing it to her and the twins when they had nightmares or couldn't sleep. Celeste finds it comforting and generally hums it to calm herself and relax. She sat up a little straighter in her seat, glancing down at the notepad resting on her lap. Looks like all systems were functioning correctly and ready to go in case things went south. She slid the clipboard back into a satchel attached the the side of the cockpit of Wächter and glanced to the side. Pinned to the wall next to her were two pictures. One was a family photo, her parents smiling from behind all of their children. The twins had been only toddlers when the picture was taken and Orion was holding Mary and Celeste was holding little William. The picture below that had been taken after their parents death. The twins were making silly faces and Orion had his arms resting around both of them. What a happy life they had had. And now here she was, fighting for the revenge of their parents. She had left so abruptly, what could Orion be thinking? She hasn't had contact with them since she had left for training. As she sat there reminiscing, Xane's voice sounded out through the comms. She smiled and pressed a button to answer him. [color=#F6A4D5][b]"Same here. It's better to be safe than sorry. How are you holding up Xaney?"[/b][/color] The girl asked. [color=0076a3][b]"Cute. You two have pet names for each other! I'll be sure to remember that, Xaney."[/b][/color] Jason teased over the intercoms as Ribasu took a few steps forward and seemed to look around for a second. [color=0076a3][b]"Move to city outskirts. I'd rather keep the Cruxi out of city proper as much as possible. Alright?"[/b][/color] the boy said before moving forward once more, until he stood along the outskirts of the city. Upon his arrival, the boy let out a small sigh and sat back in his seat. Wondering what exactly it would be like to fight against the Cruxi for real. Would he be able to handle it and not let his squad down? Or would they all fall prey to incompetence on his end. [color=0076a3][b]"I won't fail them, they're all I've got left in this world."[/b][/color] he muttered softly, not realizing he left the comms open. So his squadmates would certainly be hearing what he had said loud and clear. Listening in on what Jason had said Xane would close the notebook, and would slide it behind his seat. Before he was to respond to Jason Xane set Jetto Chosa's course for the outskirts of the city. The simulations they had done back on their training base was similar to the environment they had now, but actually being on the field of possible battle was different. Xane wanted to make sure that there was no chance for anything unexpected to cross their paths, so he would press 2 buttons to the right of him that would display 2 of Jetto Chosa's on-hand cameras. One was a thermal camera, and another was a black and white camera along with the usual front faced camera with the set course displayed to the side of it. [color=FF8C00]"Of course we do [i]Jasey[/i], wouldn't be a squad without pet names now would we."[/color] Xane pressed the comm button twice to keep it on as he would need his hands for the steering of Jetto Chosa. [color=FF8C00]"Don't forget that you have one as well. Now focus, or else you will fail not only them but us as well."[/color] Xane said the last part with a sincere tone. [color=FF8C00]"I'm holding up nice Cel."[/color] Xane smiled as if Celeste could see him. [color=FF8C00]"Everything is ready, and steady to go. Though, are you doing alright? Is Ribasu closer than he needs to be to Wächter?"[/color] The last comment could have been seen as a joke, but Xane knew that Jason had a knack for being Jason. And therefore he was dead serious about questioning the wherabouts of Jason's mec. Barry leaned back and smiled, listening to the others talk. [color=blue]"Pet names? Why not, I guess. What was it, Cel, Xaney, and Jasey?"[/color] He chuckled slightly, [color=blue]"Why not stick to the theme of the ending ee sound and have Celeste's be Celly or something?"[/color] He tilted his head slightly, looking up as he tried to think about the possibility. [color=blue]"Oh, of course, we should get ready."[/color] He smiled more widely now as he began tapping away at buttons. Barry began moving his frame towards the outskirts, like Jasey had said, only to accidentally tap an incorrect button "Shutdown process, initiated" [color=blue]"Oh, no no no!"[/color] He quickly tapped again, cancelling the shutdown. He breathed out a sigh of relief, hoping he wouldn't be making any mistakes like that again. He started smiling again, [color=blue]"Uhh, sorry, Marshall wanted a nap."[/color] He said, double-checking that his comms were still up after the mistake a second before. [color=blue]"Hey Jasey, any chance you can charge that thing up before-hand, maybe store a bit of charge as a starting point to work with? It might be that little edge we need if everything starts going wrong or something."[/color] He continued his smile, knowing the others couldn't particularly see him, but smiling anyway for himself. Great, now they were all creating nicknames for each other. Hmmm, well. Barry’s name already ended in an ‘ee’ sound so that pattern was out the window. [color=#F6A4D5][b]Of course we want to be ready Bar-Bar.”[/b][/color] Celeste said with a smile. It would be unfair to leave Barry out of the nicknaming party that had popped up now wouldn’t it? Jason’s voice cut through their banter however, ordering them to move towards the outskirts of town. She reached up and flipped a switch to keep the comms on as she settled back into her seat and pressed a few buttons. [color=#F6A4D5][b]”Aye aye, sir.”[/b][/color] She said to Jason. If he could see her, she would have saluted him. She grabbed her controls and began making her way along with the others. Once she reached a good point, she settled back into her seat to wait for further orders. [color=#F6A4D5][b]”No, Xaney, Ribasu is perfectly fine where Jason has him. And you okay there Bar-Bar? Little too early for a nap, don’t you think?”[/b][/color] The boy allowed a small smile to grow on his features as he sat there silently before beginning to speak up once more. [color=0076a3][b]"Alright, Barry, before things get started out here... Your orders will be simple. Since both you and Jetto don't have long range systems, you two are buddied up. Whatever enemy Jetto is assigned to, you will assist in taking that down or whatever the need is. Sound good?"[/b][/color] Barry smirked. [color=blue]"Oh, no more ee sound? Alright then Cel."[/color] He sat back a bit, listening to people talking before hearing Jason give some orders. He nodded, sat straight, and gave a salute, despite not being visible [color=blue]"Got it, boss."[/color] He began moving Marshall towards Jetto, hoping to be prepared for the onslaught that could come any moment. Flipping a few switches, Jason got ready to start charging up his railgun, taking a moment to speak to his squad. [color=0076a3][b]"Everybody gets one now? Though I don't think I'm rolling with Ja-"[/b][/color] The boy said before being cut off by a violent screeching from the comm link as they were jammed. Not long after which the boy saw the Cruxi assualt beginning. Hitting a rapid chain of commands, Jason cut out the static before switching on the comms between Frames to bark out orders. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR3fiAfspfA[/youtube][/center] [hider=Repost from first Jason post][color=0076a3][b]"Alright, hope you three got your warpaint on. We've got inbound, so we need to mop up quickly here. Troas is under heavy assault and they need our help. Jetto, transform and give me details on any weak point you see on hostiles. I'm also going to need you to draw some fire from one of the warmachines. Stay alive."[/b][/color] The boy said as he watched the massive opponents charged towards Jetto Chosa. As he was talking, the boy had begun firing up the Railgun's charge sequence. Going for a quick charge, Jason settled for a shot that would pierce light armor, and dent medium armor. As he did so, the railgun would pop up over his massive frame's shoulder and target the tentacled beast that was charging his friend. [color=0076a3][b]"Guardian, engage the Warmachine on your Three O'clock. Sniper range at first, try to see if we can get them without having to get in close. I've got the beast."[/b][/color] The boy said as he checked on the charge of the railgun. It was a clear shot from where Ribasu was to the charging beast. Thanks to their current location on the outskirts of the city. Without further ado, the boy let his shot rip from the railgun. Like a bolt of lightning, a sudden streak of light appeared between the large gun and its target as the shot raced across the distance between faster than the blink of an eye. Accompanied by a thunderous roar and a small shockwave from where the projectile left the barrel. The attack seeming to be like a masterbolt thrown by some god or titan from above. After his shot fired, the boy flicked the switch to open his missile silos, ready in case the beast was still standing.[/hider] Celeste smiled slightly as her team swapped banter back and forth. She felt glad that her team got along so well. She didn't know what would happen if they argued back and forth constantly. They were even on the level of friendship to start giving each other nicknames. She didn't expect that when she left her family for training that she would gain a new one. But she has. These three boys have become her family and she was going to do everything in her power to protect them. She refused to lose anymore people she cares about. She was jolted from her thoughts however upon hearing an awful screeching sound over the comms. She resisted the urge to cover her ears from the grating sound and before she could ask her team what just happened, she heard Jason firing off orders to them. She straightened in her seat rather quickly upon hearing that there were enemies inbound. [color=#F6A4D5][b]”Roger."[/b][/color] Celeste reached over with her left hand and flipped a few switches and pressed a button. The screen before her lit up, displaying her given target. She had briefly seen the beast charging Xane and as much as she wanted to help her friend, she knew Jason would be able to handle it. Now she needed to do her part in this battle. Gripping her controls, she swung her gun up and held it steady, locking onto the War Machine. She knew these shots needed to count and she needed to disable to alien quickly before it could do any damage. That being said, she aimed for the joint on the arm the held the plasma canon and fired off a round. She then swung her gun and aimed at the other War Machine with the intention of returning fire should it shoot at her allies. Barry was listening to Jasey start to refute his new nickname that would be used until the end of time, only for the screeching to start. He kept up his smile, though fairly obviously forced temporarily as he turned off the screeching. [color=blue]"Oo, looks like the fun part is starting."[/color] His smile returned to its natural state, and he started utilizing the controls to the best of his ability. [color=blue]"Looks like that one wants to have a bit of fun."[/color] He made sure Marshall was approximately side-by-side with Jetto, only for the tentacled monstrosity that was charging them to suddenly get blasted. [color=blue]"Oh, good, he didn't look very fun to fight anyway."[/color] He began tapping away at controls to start moving towards the war machine that Jason had told Jetto to head towards. [color=blue]"On my way to see what I can do!"[/color] He prepared to dodge as well, in case any fire would come his way, by building a bit of pressure into the leg joints. Xane's eyes shot wide at the screeching sound the comms had made. As they continued to make the sound he rapidly glanced at the few cameras that he had set up just in case something like this were to happen. The thermal camera displayed the enemies that were approaching them, and for a second or so Xane froze. Suddenly he remembered when the ship he was on had gotten hit, and while escaping in a pod he caught a glimpse of one. Even before the cruisor Xane's mind shifted to another memory that was a bit more hazy. However, he could still remember seeing one of these monsters. These things that...for some reason existed, and caused so much havoc. So much more chaos, and so much loss... [color=FF8C00]"Move..."[/color] he whispered to himself. While training he thought when finally being close to a cruxi that he would feel nothing more than wanting to get rid of it. Nothing more than to kill the very thing that brings meaning to what hell could be like. But, for some reason he could not move. For some reason he could not process Jason telling him to transform Jetto Chosa into the jet. He couldn't process anything. His hands were shaking, and his heart was racing. Gripping the steers harder Xane tried to get a grip, and make the necesary moves he needed, but somehow couldn't. The memories were beginning to be too much, and Jetto Chosa began to react to Xane by displaying the oxygen, and heart rate levels along with the blood pressure. Xane couldn't move even if he wanted to. Abruptly, Jason's railgun went off and the thunderous roar snapped Xane back into reality. Blinking a few times Xane shook his head after, and tried to remember what was going on. [color=FF8C00]"Ryoukai."[/color] He said with a shakey voice as he remembered that Jason said something about transforming Jetto Chosa. Taking a few deep breathes Xane addressed Barry. [color=FF8C00]"Cover me."[/color] he said in a soft tone as he was rushing to get back into gear. It took no less than a few seconds to transform Jetto Chosa, but in battle - like in the simulations - even a few seconds mattered. Pressing a few buttons to turn off most of the cameras to let them tuck into their slot on Jetto Xane then flipped a few switches above him, [color=FF8C00]"Ready to transform in 3...2...1."[/color] and then flipped the main switch. The last switch however he would need to hold as Jetto began transforming. [color=FF8C00]"Transition complete in 8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1." [/color] Quickly letting go of the main switch Xane pressed some buttons in front of him, and even moved some frames around on the screen in front of him as the camera's were about ready to do their job. [color=FF8C00]"Alright, I'm sky high. Cover me Barry, and good luck down there everyone."[/color] Xane added as he took another deep breathe.