[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Rain had expected a reaction from Andromeda but she hadn't been prepared for what happened next no sooner had she registered just how cold Andro was, when the gorgon let out a cry and pulled away from her. As the cart moved, the safety bar slammed against her ribs causing her to inhale sharply and wrap an arm around it to keep her from flopping over the side. As the lift calmed down Rain, took a deep breath and ran her clawed fingers into her hair, pulling her fringe back off of her face and closed her eyes. [color=skyblue]"Stop asking me that..."[/color] She muttered, glancing at Andro [color=skyblue]"I'm [i]fine[/i], you're not"[/color] The werewolf's brow crinkled into a frown as she grit her teeth together and growled in annoyance. [color=skyblue]"How bad is it? And don't bullshit me on this...I'll be able to tell if you lie to me"[/color] Rain warned her, she must have been serious because that was possibly the first time the werewolf had used such a strong curse word. She was trying very hard not to react too aggressively to the fact that Andro hadn't told her this before. [color=skyblue]"The cold being not particularly good for you isn't good enough"[/color] She added, lowering her hand to grip the bar and turning her head to face Andro more to keep a flurry of snow from flying directly into her face. She had been raised to keep a level head in these sorts of situations, to not allow her emotions to dictate her reactions. Yet being trapped in a machine, suspended above a blanket of snow, with little to no idea what was beneath it and with Andro freezing to death beside her...seemed to push the delicate balance in her mind. It didn't help that the full moon was only a few days away... As she waited for Andro's answer she started listing possible escape plans, most of which were similiar to what the gorgon had been thinking of earlier. Though she was less concerned for her own safety...there was a part of her that just wanted to get off of the lift, to remove the crippling feeling of helplessness that seemed to taint her mind. [color=lightseagreen][i]'This isn't happening...this can't be happening...'[/i][/color]