[center]The sudden sharp knocks jarred both vampires from sleep, Kieran rising from the nest of blankets while Ryanair remained still. His eyes adjusting to the bright light that bathed the room in gold, Kieran opened the door and blinked down at the figure that woke them. Ryanair winced when he finally managed to untangle himself from the warm sheets, his hand rose to his neck and he swallowed at what coated his fingers when he pulled them away. “Yes?” Kieran muttered as Clara stood before him, his arms remained limp at his sides. Ryanair glanced at the male who seemed like his sire, he bit his lips and rose from the bed. He made sure to keep the bleeding side of his neck hidden from Clara as he bolted into the bathroom, his fingers trembling as they moved to lock the door. His head rose and he found himself staring at his reflection, his stomach dropped when he found several bites littering his neck. As he watched the bleeding slowed and Ryanair coaxed his legs into guiding him towards the sink. Turning on the water he tugs a folded cloth from the wooden box and wets it, pressing it to his skin he has to bite back a hiss. It comes away clean but what's left are angry outlines of teeth on his skin, his heart stutters as the events from last night flash in his mind. [i]He'd been asleep and at the sudden feel of cool fingers tracing over the mark Kieran had made, he'd bolted awake. Glowing eyes met his own wide ones and before he could react, he found himself on his back with sharp fangs piercing his neck once more.[/i] Thankfully he'd passed out and hadn't felt the other bites that littered his neck, with a wince he moved to the shower and stepped inside. The warm water would do him some good.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]