A soft 'tink', 'tink', 'tink' could be heard echoing through the mine, but after a point it stopped and was followed by a grating whine that got louder and louder as it approached the mine's entrance. A shaft of light pierced out through the darkness, concealing whatever was behind the glow. Sierra turned off the light from her helmet now that enough ambient light flooded in from the entrance. She was pushing a squeaky mine cart laden with ore. She was on her way back to empty the cart when she noticed someone sitting near the mine's entrance. Sierra felt like she may have seen this person around town, but she was terrible with faces and wasn't in town frequently enough to have really gotten to know too many people. But that was beside the point. "Hey," Sierra called out, "no entering the mine without proper safety equipment!" She didn't even mention the necessary safety training that was also a prerequisite to entering the mine. "What are you doing here? Some friends dare you or something?"