James Langley wanted to find out about Steven, and since Steven wasn't an ass kisser, per say, he didn't plan on doing so. But, he did know that he needed to make a decent first impression on his commanding officer. So he began to pay attention long enough to hear the captain ask Hewlett about his impression of the C.S.S. Enterprise. In-between thoughts, Steven had heard something about the ship being comparable to the much newer Z-19 Destroyers, but decided to simply answer the question as plainly as he could. “I think the idea to use particle colliders as an energy source on the ship is brilliant. I know the base technology is several hundred years old, but it still functions perfectly in practice. When we launch two rodnium particles at each other, the energy released is about sixty times what we put into it. It is incredibly efficient. The quantum reactors transport certain energies from hyperspace, including materials like rodnium, in order to be used in experiments, for energy, and to be thrown into the collider for both. “On another note: the artificially intelligent quantum computer on board is so much more advanced than anything I've worked with before. The base is the same, I can still program and such, of course, but the processing capabilities are beyond anything I've seen before.” Steven took a breath then continued rambling onward, “I’m impressed with the ring drive’s protection functionality - in a battle that would surely be an obvious target, but if it's very difficult to hit then it isn't nearly as much. Also, forty-one point six-seven kilometers per second is pretty quick. Not quite there, for space travel, since the universe is so incredibly huge. I mean massively huge, like - you may think that walking a few miles to the store is a big distance, but that's peanuts to the universe.” Steven occasionally made wild hand gestures as he spoke, but usually caught himself and got his hands under control. “Though, I do want to know - is there really no one more qualified for this position? Don't misunderstand me, sir. I'm incredibly honored to have been granted this post - it's my dream job - but it's my first assignment. I thought I'd have to work my way up here.”