[quote=@Hawksnest565] "Well, I'd hardly call them [i]my[/i] scientists." The old man pretended to be disgruntled at the thought of Hunter and Brianna. "Oh... Yes, the short girl with the freckles?" He'd only ever seen images of the subject. It had been incredibly troublesome of her to somehow make an escape. There was currently an examination of what had transpired. Obviously the girl had needed to had help in order to escape in a truck, but it was yet to be discovered who had disappeared that day. It wasn't like the facility was a totalitarian regime. "We sent her home after taking some blood!" He smiles at Ambrose. "Unfortunately for you, she got the good scientists who did things right." [/quote] "You're lying!" Ambrose snaps, realizing at that moment that the man was covering something up. Apparently the old man either knew about the escape, or knew nothing as he was acting. He gets to his feet and glares at the old man. "She was being hurt and you know it. You're a horrible old man!" He growls, balling his hands into fists. He raises his cup and throws it onto the table angrily. He then shifts and attempts to fly from the room