[color=CF94AF][b][h3][center]Lyra, the priestess of the year[/center][/h3][/b][/color] The walk felt longer than it should have. Spring. There was a birthday coming up, wasn't there... Ah, that adorable little Lorrena's birthday was coming up soon. She would have to get that sweetheart something. The flower shop was one thing but she also needed to head over to The carpentry shop. Or whatever you called that place. All she knew was that they were good at making furniture. What Lyra needed was to have a new rocking chair made. Since the other kids broke the only one they had. Two kids and a hammer means destruction. She knew that but she couldn't really get the hammer back with them swinging it around. Either way, one of the cuties loved that chair and now they need another one. Lyra nearly got lost on the way there. She hadn't been to the workshop before but she had heard of the people living there. It was a small town and when two people moved in without greeting much people if any, it stood out and just made people want to gossip even more. Finally at the shop, Lyra walked in and was met by one of the workers. [color=CF94AF]"Good morning. A beautiful day, isn't it. Your name is... June or Bethany, no?"[/color] She had a kind smile on her face as she continued to speak. [color=CF94AF]"We haven't met but I'm just the mere priestess living in the church just around here. Anyways, Im looking to have a chair made. A rocking chair. Blue and white. I don't know how long it would take but I would like it to be done in 1 or 2 weeks if possible."[/color] Lyra sounded as sweet as ever, speaking with ease to the beautiful stranger.