[center] Clara wasn't terribly certain if Ryanair would actually open up to her – she'd really give him no reason to over the past few weeks – but she needed to know what was happening behind the scenes. She needed to know if he had any further insights of what was going on – she needed to know if there was anything she could do to fix it. The image of Kieran before her was the same that she'd painted throughout all of the centuries that had passed – the emotionless vampire who could care less about his actions; who could simply change someone and abandon them without even a second thought – the same man who hadn't even come looking for her or wondered if she was still alive. Her thoughts had been interrupted by Ryanair's response and she hadn't realized her hands had balled into tight fists at her sides. As he'd moved to sit down, she released them and followed after to take a seat next to him, regardless of the need and want to stand and pace. Clara had sat herself down slowly, her attention never wavering from Ryanair as she expected to hear some answers. What she didn't expect was to see those bites all across his neck as he'd dropped his collar. Clara had only looked briefly before she turned away with a heavy sigh. She'd only assumed Ryanair had kept distant just as she had because he understood something was wrong. She wasn't terribly suspicious that the man would be abusing him in such a way – hell, Kieran doted over him just as much as Ryanair wanted it – she couldn't imagine anything else. The frown remained upon her lips before she looked back to Ryanair. "I'm sure we'll get all of this sorted out." Words of reassurance, she supposed. Weeks ago she could never imagine sitting down and even socializing with the man before her, but something about the situation had her feeling pity. Something within her wanted to prevent him from any sort of pain caused by Kieran, simply because she knew it all too well… Even if she had begun to waver in her thoughts of him; even if she'd begun to yearn for what they once shared in that fleeting moment yet again. Now – she wasn't so sure. Everything she'd assumed about Kieran throughout the years seemed very true suddenly – but the days before they'd come to the manor seemed to be very different. She was conflicted and she needed more answers. Regardless of wanting to believe it simply was true and he was as she thought – she knew better than that. "You might as well get some sleep. " Clara murmured as she came to a stand, eyeing the male only for a second longer. She'd not offered any further words of reassurance, simply because she wasn't so sure of everything herself… As she turned away from him, she left the room but kept the door closed behind her. She needed to talk to Wolff – And with that, she headed through the mansion in search of him. She loved how everyone seemed to have a damn plan, but she was the last to find out. Although, she still had doubts that half of them even knew Kieran had been her sire – so why would they include her in the first place? [/center] [@Arista]