At the sight of the mason jar Vin pulled out from the pantry, Nate's eyes seemed to light up. Not so much at the idea of alcohol but more at the memories it brought back. He had shared many a bottle of moonshine with his brothers in arms when the C.O of whatever base he found himself stationed at came down on the boring side of having real alcohol on base. It was usually saved for after a successful mission but it did make those painful days a little more bearable. A thought flashed in his mind though, prompted by one of the less fun voices in his head reminding him of Vin's earlier shenanigans. The stranger Vin had torn limb from limb was still pretty fresh in his mind. And while the thought of Eli being ripped to shreds was admittedly pretty funny, the idea of it happening to him or, even worse, one of the kids was less entertaining. He pushed himself up from his chair, forgetting about the pain in his ribs for half a second and then suddenly, violently remembering all about it. He winced and put a hand to the part of his body that hurt the most as he made his way towards Vin before snatching the jar from his hands. "Not to sound like my mother..." he told Vin. "...But do you really think that's such a good idea? I mean do you even remember what happened the last time you lost control of your senses?" He quickly unscrewed the lid on the jar and took a swig, cringing at how bad it was before turning and heading towards Jennifer where he thrust the jar at her like there was no chance she would refuse. Maybe getting absolutely shitfaced could ease both of their pain.