As I'm understanding, you're saying you flourished your weapon just before spinning, or as you were spinning. If you did flourish your weapon, then she did not begin her movements until he started the physical spin. If they were simultaneous, then I would imagine this rule would still apply, not moving until she saw your angular momentun, by which point youd be facing her from the side for only a brief moment before he would be turned away from her. All in all, I'm saying that whatever he did, she did not respond to until after he had begun actually [b]spinning[/b] and no action before. And as I'm seeing the timeline, her shields would be summoned as he was turned, and were fully formed by the time he came fill circle to attack her with the paddle. Edit: I know this is a small detail and I don't think it effects much, but I'm just trying to ensure we stay on the same page. I have learned my lesson since Dazsos.