[@Clanty] Oops, sorry, things kind of took a tangent there. [quote]@Deserted So if I wanted to be a mechanical engineer who was also a mechanic I'd be a support wizard right? Sorry for all the questions, I just kind of have a feel for how I want her in my head and am trying to get it right.[/quote] So, here is an answer to your question. That DOES sound like a Wizard/Support to me. That is pretty much the straight up, vanilla, expert through and through. However, if you are looking for some added flavor, you can always tweak the special effects or just treat the wizard to reserve your spot as a mechanic thing and fiddle around with other roles to see if that is more to your liking. For example, someone might choose Wizard/Outdoorsman... you could define this as your classic D&D Druid by having magical control over nature. However, you could make the wizard technological and the outdoorsman survival. Suddenly we have a Doomsday Preper.