[center][@Noxx] [h1][b][color=0054a6]Gipsy Danger[/color][/b][/h1][/center] It looks like Gamera seems to agree with the android, at least to an extention at most. Lucky for her she supposes to herself, even though the turtle kaiju wasn't known to get hostile too often, unless say in a bad mood that is. [i]“Kong would have been a good asset; brute strength is all those types of Kaiju understand, but let us make haste anything they can cook up can not be good for the world,”[/i] she explained crouching down and jumping high above the clouds, making a controlled dive on another building only to lift herself off once again. Gipsy Danger followed in pursuit from the ground, ocassionally using her twin rear jets to gain some initial speed and lift as she makes her way up to the taller apartment buildings. They must prepare for the attack on Tokyo, or it'll be destroyed for the millionth time...