[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] While I believe you may have posted in the wrong bitchfest thread, I do have to say: After seeing the news of a guy in Japan killing 19 elderly people in an old folks' home, and GIGGLING SHYLY as he was escorted away by police in a van, it is beyond me how anyone can proudly say "I'm totally crazy!" as an excuse when they behave offensively - like cracking a senseless joke during a solemn discussion. (Try tentative humour, you git.) [hr][hr] [b]GODZILLA ROAR -[/b] Someone just PM'd me this 3 posts in after asking to RP with me, after sending me a RPFC (real people face claim) of a shy face: [quote=some plebian on another forum I'm on]By the way, which one of us will be playing the character who's leading everything?[/quote] As my boyfriend suggested, I really should have just said, "I was thinking you."