- Andromeda - [b]"Didn't believe you?" She growled "What a bunch of idiots!"[/b] Andro chuckled [color=39b54a]"they thought I-I was just... trying to get out, I'm known... for being anti-social"[/color] she shivered but managed a smile at her companion. she also much appreciated Rain's next statement, though she barely caught it. Rain's next sentence however, was unheard as Andro struggled to bring herself back. she remembered getting hypothermia as a kid and remembered all but losing her sense of self and being unable to tell what was going on. she knew that was what was happening now and she was determined not to let it for as long as possible. [b]"I could" She agreed, before shaking her head "But I'm not going too"[/b] Andro felt strangely relieved. while she wanted Rain to get away safely she didn't want to be alone. Rain's further explanation made her smile a little regardless of the implication of her potential death [color=39b54a]"t-thank you..."[/color] she muttered [color=39b54a]"I... I don't want to be alone"[/color] she cursed a little internally [color=007236][i]'did I just say that out loud? oh great, keep ahold of yourself Andromeda, you're better then this!'[/i][/color] when Rain told her to hold onto something she raised an eyebrow but put her arm around the side of the lift and locked her hands. between that and the bar she shouldn't fall off. she stared down at the snow as the lift tilted and after a moment she saw Rain's skis fall and barely held back a giggle [color=007236][i]'keep it together'[/i][/color] she thought. she looked back at Rain in time to realize she was saying something and barely caught the words. [color=39b54a]"I-I'm alright... I've ha-had worse... much worse"[/color] she looked back down [color=39b54a]"what... what was that about?"[/color] [color=007236][i]'I can't do this on my own'[/i][/color] Andromeda suddenly thought, feeling utterly weak [color=39b54a]"R-rain... do you... know the symptoms o-of hypo-pothermia?"[/color]