I was going to wait until I got some feed back before I decided to finalize her, but I suppose I might as well just post her up now! Let me know what you guys think! [hider=The Innocent Child] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/abb685456ec02d9bf0eec21e19740288/tumblr_oa07b7TIhc1v80dgxo1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] ------------------------------------------- *Name: Zoe Heitz *Alias: Butterfly's Shadow, Also depends on the day. *Age: Nineteen *Height: 5'5 *Weight: 121 lbs *Physical Abilities/Skills: Physically Zoe is in amazing athletic shape able to run for miles, swim for miles, or even climb a mountain. It's not like she's going to punch someone to death, but she is just in peak condition from training her body simple because she enjoys it. As for her talents and skills Zoe is one of the most famous hackers, not that anyone knows who she really is, going by the code name Butterfly's Shadow online. The name was something she chose as a child and just kept and even made the butterfly into a symbol for herself, most famously known for the false trace when people try and track her the trace goes in a loop in the shape of a butterfly never ending. She's been known to leave a butterfly image on a computer screen of the victims she hacks if she wants them to know she was there and sometimes is cruel enough to wipe that computer completely clean of everything but leaving the image to mock the fools who mess with her and waste her time. Stealing money, taking over systems, writing her own programs, nothing is really a problem for her. If she can think of it she can make it happen through a computer basically, it's just one of her gifts. As for other talents or hobbies she enjoys the piano and violin, throw in some C-4 knowledge for firing up a night, some small arms training for self defense...Or shooting someone in the back...Either way. A bit of knowledge of poisons and you basically got your little murderous angel in a nice little package named Zoe. She's even been known to tamper with wires a bunch hot wiring cars, electrifying a hot tub, rigging a light switch to detonate a ton of explosives, or to fix a flickering light...What's the difference in this day and age right? *Personality: Zoe is the most innocent acting normal teenage girl you could find. She laughs, goes out with friends, kisses guys at clubs...Or girls. Sleeps around and parties. Enjoys racing her car with people or just because. She likes her music whether it be techno pop or whatever she feels in the mood for. Again she just appears like any other girl her age. Though the reality is she's an ice cold bitch who murdered her own father and would probably only feel bad for killing her lover, which she'd still do without hesitation even if it saddened her. Zoe just loves money enough to kill, steal, or scam for it. Sometimes she herself isn't sure if it's really for the money anymore though because she has so much. She looks at the richest men in the world and just laughs because it could all be hers in hardly any time at all if she really wanted. Now when she takes money it's just because she can and she enjoys getting paid for jobs. Does she need the money? Obviously not, but she likes the intrigue of new adventures each job gives. *Background: Once upon a time there was a large criminal organization that spanned over Germany run by a man named Franz Heitz. Franz had built up his empire to be worth millions even though he had come from nothing. Your typical upstart who came from no where story. However this story is not for his climb to power, nor for Franz at all. This story is about the bastard of the most feared man in Germany only three years ago. You see Franz had a thing for escorts and one of those escorts produced for him a daughter. This girl was his only child, and only living heir. There was was no record of her birth and only those whom Franz truly trusted knew of the girls existence. Sadly her mother only being an escort was unworthy of joining the family and was killed off to be silenced on the knowledge of this girl. This girl was named Zoe Heitz, she is the one this story is told for. You see Zoe grew up with the best tutors men could take against their will, or money could buy, whichever was needed. They would all wind-up dead after their services were no longer needed, but only so that Zoe would always be safe you see. Since Franz was the most feared and hated man in all of Germany he feared for his daughter and rightly so. She was taught self defense courses in hand to hand, hand guns, and her father even put her together with his bomb expert to teach her how to utilize explosives. It was clear he had gone from protecting to turning her into more. It can't be said that Franz was a completely terrible father however. He brought her dance instructors a swim instructor, even a piano and violin instructor. She could sing, do her own hair, her make up, act completely normal for someone with such a crude upbringing. She was like a high born princess in the palace of sin. Zoe had everything but freedom. It was her father's way. There wasn't a 'or the highway' option, it was simply his way. This made Zoe a little sad and closed off inside retreating to the internet early on. She gave herself the online name Butterfly's Shadow because she found butterflies to be one of the most beautiful creatures and loves watching them in the garden. She had stumbled into someone on a chat website who was a decent hacker and taught her what they knew. It because a game to her, a hobby when not obeying her father's wishes. The internet became her little haven, and in the years to become like her father controlled Germany, the web would be all hers. When Zoe turned sixteen she had finally had enough of her father. She had drained all his accounts for herself and poured him a gllass of wine which she had poisoned and offered it to him as his kind and obedient daughter. Once he began feeling ill she revealed to him that she had taken everything he had held dear, his money and his life. His eyes lit up only to freeze before he fell out of his chair never to rise again. With her father's fortune all to herself Zoe had left Germany. Those who knew of her loved her and would support her, those who didn't know of her obviously couldn't blame her for the death of her father so it was easy to get away with the murder. She assumed an identity and flew to America. It is there that she has lived the hacking dream. Lots of money, a nice car, great equipment, and now posing a fresh out of school girl living the day to day life, never mind the fact that online she takes jobs to kill people, rob people or businesses, get information, or one of the more fun tasks she gets...Humiliating people by bringing secrets to the light. She does all from the inside of a nice little Two bedroom apartment. *Theme Music: [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-hkpLXwHUQ[/youtube][/center][/hider]