[i]Takao's blade ripped through the man's shirt as he barely managed to step back and avoid being split open from waist to shoulder. The tattered fabric fell to the sides, revealing a large 'V' branded on his chest. He lunged forward again, this time faking toward Takao's right side, trying to draw him into a parry, then dipped his blade low and brought it back up toward the mercenary's left side.[/i] -- [i]The large brute clipped the edge of Arnold's shield on his way to the ground, but it was enough to keep him from landing on the woman, instead landing right beside her with a heavy thud. Finding himself in a bad position, he directed a strong kick at Arnold's shield, simply trying to push one of his opponents away. Regardless of if the kick accomplished the goal, he reached out with his non-broken hand to get a hold of Charlie's ankle, trying to drag the monk off his feet. [/i]