[center][i][h2][color=#dd5419]Calariel[/color][/h2][/i][/center][hr] [color=#dd5419]"Nothing threatening,"[/color] Calariel answered Thurin, continuing to keep her watch. She'd stopped ringing the bell, as the town was certainly awake by now and probably annoyed with her, if they didn't yet know what was happening in the village. Relatively certain that her lookout was no longer needed, Calariel slung her bow across her back and returned the arrow to its quiver. She responded to Ofnir's call, climbing quickly down the ladder and arriving at the bottom to see that Ellaryn had brought her horse along with the smaller one that no doubt belonged to the hobbit. [color=#dd5419]"Thank you,"[/color] she said, barely above a whisper, as she took her horse's reins. He snorted softly at her, and she patted his neck gently. There was little to do other than wait and see what Ofnir had inside the pouch. Knowing he was a wizard, she felt somewhat like a child, waiting to receive a treat from an elder.