[quote=@Rica] [@Dynamo Frokane] Men having crushes on other men should be more normalized. We talk about lady crushes all the time and they're seen as very acceptable but the opposite is not. (Though that may have more to do with women loving men's obsession with lesbianism) It's very unfortunate and I honestly hope we start leaning toward a world where exploring one's sexuality without rigid definitions one way or another is more acceptable. Especially since sexuality is so weird and fluid and prone to changing anyway. Hopefully knowing that at least some of us won't judge you for that helps you feel more comfortable with it. :) [@Cynder] Well at least you know I'm not too spooky :P [/quote] Well I think within the LGBT community a man crushing on another man is probably very accepted, but I don't consider myself LGBT, I see myself as very hetero. I think the straight community need to be more open minded to these phenomena, especially with something as intentionally confusing a RolePlay, where I'm literally placing myself in fantasy every time I post or read a post.