A grimace crossed Brett's face as she refused to put her guns down and charged him. He stood, taking the paint balls and hardly even flinching as they flew towards him. He allowed them to hit him, storing the kinetic energy they caused after hitting him within his arm as Shadowbird landed behind him. He let out a shallow laugh. [color=0054a6]"You're going to destroy me with a paintball gun? Cute."[/color] He mocked, feeling the cold steel against his back. He put out his arms, slowly tilting and moving down until he placed his knife in the ground, as if to surrender. A sly smirk crossed his face as he held his arm out towards the ground at his side. A neon green boomerang of energy flew out, causing a miniature explosion where it landed next to the two, sending them flying to the other end of the building from the force of said explosion. After landing on his back, Brett quickly rolled to his feet and unholstered his revolver, pointing it at Shadowbird. [color=0054a6]"Last chance, Ari Gray."[/color] He spoke, vastly underestimating the skill of his former partner.