Her face was nothing but serious as he got down seeming to surrender to her. Suddenly there was an explosion and she wasn't sure where it had come from. Regardless, it threw her back but she was able to land on her feet, skidding back slightly. [i]Last chance? Who does he think I am??[/i] Shadowbird holstered her pistols and removed the bo staff from her back, extending it so it was her height. [color=black]"No, sir, this is your last chance. Consider me like an officer of the law, attack me and you go to jail. It's a little late now but I could let you go this once if you just stop this silly fight." [/color] Ari teleported behind him and attempted to leg sweep him. [color=black] "I've already told you, I'm not some run of the mill hero. If you truly know who I am, YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS!" [/color]