[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/T1o0N.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Main Inner Wall Gate Post --> Mess Hall[/center][hr][hr]Jack winked, putting the Rainbow Brite monstrosity over his shoulders. He knew what gender roles dictated, but he couldn't help but have his same goofy grin as always. He nodded at Miss Zoie, listening to her carefully. Every bit of information he could get would help--especially because he knew, no matter what they did, Tatiana would have some anxiety over it all. At the instant she mentioned food, Jack's stomach growled, practically on cue. [color=00ff00]"That sounds amazin',"[/color] Jack remarked. His eyes followed Tatiana as she went back to the truck, his heart dropping slightly...until he saw her emerge with the blanket and the board game. He grinned again, knowing already that they likely wouldn't be leaving this place. They'd be staying. Maybe they'd get a little house somewhere, someplace quiet where Tatiana could dance and he could trip and fall to music. Wrapping an arm around Tatiana's shoulder, he held her close to him as the pair of them followed Zoie through the gate and into what he assumed to be the town proper. Little kids were kicking around a ball, a bit of dust coming up with each motion. His eyes widened, and in a moment, Jack could see a future there--or at least, something close to one. Before this entire awfulness, Jack had wanted to eventually have a family. And while he couldn't see himself bringing life into this world, he could see himself finally having a home here. He glanced at Tatiana and spied her smile, giving him more reason to believe they'd remain in Newnan, if allowed. He closed his eyes slightly as the cool air touched his face. [color=00ff00]"This can't be real,"[/color] Jack chuckled, taking a look around. His stomach grumbled again as he saw two trays be prepared for them, and he sat down at one of the tables after Zoie motioned for them to do so. [color=00ff00]"Thank you, miss,"[/color] Jack nodded, as soon as Tatiana had sat down. [color=00ff00]"This is wicked kind of you."[/color] Hearing someone approach from behind, Jack craned his neck, his hand already entwined with Tatiana's. [color=00ff00]"Pleasah to meet you as well, sih,"[/color] Jack acknowledged, standing from his chair to shake the man's hand. It was a bit traditional, but that was how Jack was raised to be. [color=00ff00]"This place is wicked amazin', I can haahdly believe this isn't a dream."[/color]