[b]-Lilita Rosetti-[/b] "Make it stooooppp...." The Arrowhead rode the waves up and down, the ocean thrashing the vessel to and fro. Lilita was curled up in the corner of the port side, her stomach groaning as her face turned multiple shades of green. Transportation had never been her preferred method of travel, as motion sickness constantly played its devilish tricks on her. But, there was no other way to cross the great sea in its entirety without this vessel, so Lilita had reluctantly joined the crew on this forsaken beast. It was for the good of Tawken and all nations, so she'd power through it. Indeed, now was the time to rise and help, for the storm wasn't letting up. Lilita stood, ready to assist in whatever way she could. She took a step forward....and immediately collapsed back into a prostrating position. "Uuuwuuugh" was the sickly burping noise she chose to denote her struggle. She attempted to crawl towards the sailors that were trying their damnedest to hold the ropes firm, a hunter apparently doing the same. She made it about four feet before hurling all over the deck, the swaying ship making the substance roll past her and off the side of the seacraft. Lilita figured she'd do the same, and perhaps then the churning of her stomach would cease. She turned her eyes to the side of the ship, and just that moment, water rolled over the deck, drenching her and knocking the girl into the railing. Lilita's mind raced to a million miles-a-minute, wondering if this was the end of the Arrowhead, and by extension her. As if to answer this thought, the ocean sent a Tsunami towering over the boat, slowly crashing down to sink it. Lilita was dragged under the water's surface, and all was still, frozen in time. The maiden raised her hand towards the surface, towards the sky, making out the shape of the moon and its brilliance, as if it were her guardian angel. Then, everything mixed together in a slushy black. ~ Light. Pain. Softness. These were the things Lilita would slowly gain consciousness to. She was laying face down in her arms, rested on the sand of a beach. It appeared fate had spared her a death she wouldn't mind, and instead chose her as a fateful survivor of the horrid shipwreck. She was covered by small, light planks of wood, and she felt the need to arise. She heard voices in her subconscious, most likely the other crewmates that possibly survived with her, or maybe she was just crazy. Either way, someone's day needed to be lightened up, so Lilita rose up out of the rubble and skipped off to say hi!.... ...is what she would've done, had a familiar sensation not washed over her. While the wood covering her would easily have been knocked off by the simple act of standing up, it appeared Lilita was incapable of even that, as the sea was not finished with her yet. The leftover feelings of the moments before the crash hit the girl like a stampede of bulls, and Lilita gave in to idleness as her face turned green once more. "Please...someone help meeeee....gwuurk..." She gurgled as loud as she could, which admittedly wasn't very loud.