Well it was pretty obvious in Roger's mind that fate was not going to let him help out his comrades so easily. For just as Yeager started to really pick up speed, it had to trip on a building into free fall. Luckily, he had a pretty good plan for these situations. He'd tripped and crashed so many times in the VR sessions that he had developed and honed a recovery technique that would allow him to keep going with minimal speed loss. This was his first time trying it in the cockpit for real, let alone a combat situation, but that wasn't anything worthy of thinking about right now. Roger turned off the thrusters once he registered that he had tripped, the continued acceleration would only cause him to crash into the ground "face" first. Then he pulled in the head of the machine and its upper torso tightly, a maneuver that was orders of magnitude easier at a Sync Rate of ~70% compared to 30%. Its momentum allowed it to flip right back up to where it should be, and Roger turned back on the thrusters to regain speed and avoid falling directly into a bunch of buildings. It was probably a good thing that he had gotten this maneuver on the first try, because Serah was about to get eaten by a mass of metal and tentacles, and he wouldn't have been able to reach her if he had fucked up the save. Roger aimed the barrel of the gun at the beast and pulled the trigger. Despite the fact that there were lasers commonly available, superweapons that could liquefy living things and all sorts of other shenanigans, being able to launch bits of matter at ridiculously high speeds never stopped being useful. Bullets embedded themselves into the beast like it was that first scene from Robocop and Roger didn't let go until he was sure that thing was completely dead. Just then, Serah started barking out orders on what to do next. Well one part of him said to ignore her, because she was still in fact a child and then the other part told him that her idea wasn't bad. After all, sticking here to be surrounded and fucked up the ass by like 20 Cruxi wasn't a plan he could get behind. To the north her spotted the squad of Cruxi soldiers that where range of his machinegun. He opened fire into the squad while he still had the chance to aim well (standing still) before activating the Overboosters to clear some space from the rest of the squad. Perhaps he would be able to attract their attentions away from Serah and Sigma [hider]Attack B3->Move to A1[/hider]