Shirley smiled at her. At last, he could talk face to face with his past experiment. "Alexandrie, how good to see you again." If she hadn't noticed, his left hand was missing, a robotic hand in it's place. He had that kind of money and power. "I have lots to tell you about, and even two presents for you. Not just one. But two." He reached under his desk and pulled out her sword, sheath and all holding it out in both hands. One of his cronies gently took his from his hands and walked over to Lex, handing it to her. Shirley knew he was enabling the girl to fight him, but he was unafraid. He knew he had too much to offer her for her to kill him. "That's one, from me to you. I know this means something to you. So I'm glad I could get it back to you. I apologize for our previous encounter. I wasn't myself at the time and that boy Jack does tend to get to me." With a deep breath, Shirley continued. "I'd like to talk to you about your past and how you got your powers while we are waiting for your second gift to be delivered. Is that okay with you?"