The Linnorm roared right back at Rander's Spirit, as if challenging it to dare and take it on. The snarls of Cothyl coupled with the sudden flock of crows brought the Dissonance's attention to a single point. That was fine because the creature was hellbent on destroying something and angry, nostrils flaring with rage. It gave yet another roar of power, shaking its head to and fro while scattering its acidic drool everywhere in a nearby radius. The Spirit's assumptions were correct in that the substance was highly corrosive, droplets melting through the ground as they made impact down below. Yet before it could even lay down one blow, the incessant shouting of one particular giant worm with wings made the creature turn its feral gaze away from its would be opponent and over at a Spirit that actually....didn't rival itself in size. How disappointing. Now this wasn't really a fight, nor even a challenge that overrided its natural instinct to prove superiority. But the fact that Jorm moved underground in the blink of an eye showed that she was indeed a threat to be taken care of. Thus, the creature gave an ear-piercing screech before slithering about just as Jorm rose up from the ground. As the majority of her body rocketed outwards, the Dissonance reacted quickly by coiling itself around her and lunging forth to take a bite out of what looked like her neck area. Despite its size, the monster still had some intelligence and fighting was all it knew. In the battlefield, that was where it found its home at. Jorm would find that out soon enough. The skeletons in the stands were easy prey for the Song Knights, their efforts spurred onwards with every innocent soul lost to the dissonances rampage. Whether by mace or by sword they fell in droves, but a few scattered pages that survived Farrah's skywards ascension brought more into the fray. They were scattered a greater distance, far off screams from beyond the coliseum walls telling the few who could hear over the din that a few were no longer contained to the stands and arena itself. Moros would feel a light weight settle upon his back before a music sheet spawned a skeleton atop him, falling forward atop him with sharp rib bones aiming to skewer him even as the creature flailed to balance itself. Those creatures that were unfortunate enough to be within Rhodri's reach were already dust and splintered bone upon the bleachers, but a nearby hall echoed the screams of those inside the arena itself, the dissonances having followed the fleeing masses in their quest to spill living blood. Yet the loud blaring of a siren suddenly cut through the tension on the battlefield. Loud enough to briefly interrupt the battle in the colosseum. That was because further away, back in the depths of the cathedral, a certain mismatched-haired girl was silently cursing to herself. Seriously, an alarm? She thought she disabled all of those...her lackeys would be getting a cut in their salary for not informing her of old fashioned security systems. Not like she ever paid them in anything more than a single scoop. With occasional nuts. [hr] [center][@The Irish Tree], [@Lonewolf685], [@Eklispe], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@Pikmin Eye], [@KoL][/center]