Eli laughed at them. It was clear that they didn't have anything apple pie where they were from. Eli took then jar and took a large drink from it. There was no sour face or coughing, just a grin. Eli walked over and pulled out another, larger jar. This was a darker color. "That'll go down a lot smoother than this one." Eli went back and took his seat. "Help your self to anything we got. If you have to go into town or meet anyone. You're just tourist camping out and passing by. Don't try to make friends, and damn sure don't tell them anything about you. Lie if you have too. People out here don't like a outsiders. And under no circumstances at all, go a party. They'll use it as an excuse to either beat the shit outta you or kill you if they have too."Eli said after another drink. "People are mostly nice and polite around here but the bad ones are about as bad is it gets. Christabell can tell you about if she feels like it. Just be smart about everything. After a day or two of rest we'll leave here and head up to Nobles holler. We should be safe there for till we can figure something out." Eli finished the last of the jar and placed it by his feet. "I'm gonna take a look around. You guys try to relax." Eli stepped out of cabin and lit a cigarette.