[centre][h1]Frederick Hughes[/h1] Mental State: Confused but resolute. Physical State: Wide awake and mostly healthy.[/centre] It was only late morning when the train began to approach Arkham, but even after his long journey, Frederick was wide-awake amongst the rest of the sleeping or half-asleep passengers. It wasn’t that uncomfortable sleeping arrangements or sharp morning light had coaxed him from his sleep early; with a long trip between Maine and Massachusetts, he’d begrudgingly paid for first class and the ability to sleep mostly unhindered, and the view afforded to him of the sky from his car’s window was uniformly grey or dirty white, the sign of a dreary winter day to come instead of a bright spring day that filled all who saw it with energy. Rather, a few hours earlier, perhaps as the train had passed the state border from New Hampshire to Massachusetts, he’d woken with a start and a head that felt as if it had been hollowed out and filled to the brim with filthy, fetid water. It was about as unclear as that figurative water as to what caused his unpleasant awakening, but he didn’t wish to dwell on it for long; not that he could, as his mind seemed unable to entertain any real thought about his strange awakening, instead almost seeming to distract him with a bevy of other issues if he tried to concentrate on it. So as the rest of the passengers remained sleeping and stationary, he instead pulled himself together and prepared himself to disembark as soon as possible, readying his cases and watching the misty forests and river streams creep along the outside of the window as the minutes of his final approach left him alone with his thoughts. [i]‘Should I make the business call first, or settle in at the house?’[/i] Distinctly mundane thoughts, as it was. Whilst he was supposed to be in Arkham to recover, he’d been advised to find some means by which he could earn upkeep and keep himself engaged; whilst his usual line of work would have been out of the question in any other situation, the Chief back in Madawaska had managed to find something similar, but more forgiving. Despite initial reservations, he’d ultimately phoned ahead at the last station ahead to confirm the appointment, which meant it wasn’t a question of whether he should make the call, but when. As the river creeping across his window drew closer, falling out of his field of vision as it nestled close to the railroad tracks, and as he instead saw the first buildings of the town draw up in the distance, he made his mind up. Settling in could wait, he’d made an appointment with Miskatonic University and he’d make sure he kept it.