[@Kidd][@Bombardier] Maja stared at Miles, though it's be difficult to tell for him due to the sunglasses. [color=82ca9d]"No, Mr. Thorn, we shall be hunting down Ireland's finest with our vehicles so kindly provided to us by Mr. Donovan. Now, a friend of mine mentioned there were group of the Irish Mob posted in an abandoned construction sight. If my information is still relevant, there is estimated eleven gunmen on sight. Product is delivered to the construction sight from a yet-to-be-seen location, from there it is distributed onto the streets. One of the few distribution centers the Irish mob have, and I think it would be in true K9 spirit if we made them an example for the rest. 8501 Atomic Avenue is the place."[/color] She raised her arm at the elbow and let her silenced handgun point towards the ceiling. [color=82ca9d] "Shall we make our way to our vans, gentlemen? I do not think our hosts want to be kept waiting."[/color] Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and made her way outside to where the vans were being stored. There was no time for shenanigans, for if seriousness and cooperation was ever need in K9, it would be in a time where their power was being challenged.