[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Rain's fingers twitched as she caught Andro's mutter, it caused a tug of pain in her chest and for a moment she felt an urge to assure the gorgon she wouldn't leave her alone. There was no way of explaining it, well there was one but she wasn't quite ready to admit that one.[color=lightseagreen][i]'...can't get attached to them, can't think of them as a pack'[/i][/color] she reminded herself, as she gave Andro a reassuring smile before taking out her frustration on her ski's. The werewolf raised an eyebrow at Andro before looking down at her feet, glad to have them out of the ski's. [color=skyblue]"I can't tell if that's reassuring or not right now..."[/color] She told Andro [color=skyblue]"I can't do anything with those things on. Need to be able to move around"[/color] Rain looked back up at Andro, lifting her hand to wipe away the snowflakes stuck to her eyelashes. She licked at her lips and dropped her gaze to her hands, wishing Andro's question hadn't tugged at her memories... [color=skyblue]"Yes..."[/color] She whispered, taking a deep breath before she looked back at Andro and said it louder [color=skyblue]"Yes, I know the symptoms...you're displaying a few already. Loss of concentration..."[/color] [color=yellow][i]'Shivering...confusion...lack of judgment'[/i][/color] The voice wasn't her own and if that wasn't chilling enough, the symptoms to come were. [color=skyblue]"We need to get you down from here and into some cover...get you warmed up"[/color] Rain murmured, looking around at the ski lift again. [color=skyblue]"I've got an idea...you're not going to like it but it's all I've got"[/color] She announced, reaching up and unzipping her coat. [color=skyblue]"See if you can get this round you as well...whilst I jump down there"[/color] With that said, Rain started to wriggle out of her coat, inhaling sharply as the cold air hit her. She was only wearing a white vest top beneath it, no doubt to limit her body temperature. Once the lift had stopped moving she pushed the warm jacket towards Andro, aware that it wasn't a long term solution...