[@LokiLeo789] Yeah, but like how? Real talk: I can say with a decent amount of certainty that nobody here knows anything about how Criminal networks truly operate. I can also assume that nobody has tracked anyone else down to kill them, or created a false identity. Basically, we have to leave our little game we're playing here almost entirely in the realm of fiction. Because if we don't, things aren't going to go well. Everyone's going to have different ideas on how to do this. Do we just make up the locations of the enemies on the spot? What's even the point, then? Or, do we have the GM create an entire criminal underground with clues to lead us to their locatioN? How the fuck is the GM going to do that? is that even possible for a human to do without the fun being sucked out of it???? It's just like what the hell. That's why I think the only reasonable solution is "[img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/blfi.gif[/img]" and just go for the gold. We go, and we capture a dude, "WHERE ARE THE DRUGS GOING!?" And then get interrupted by the killers after K9. Then the chase begins. Cat and mouse. Dramatic series of events that somehow lead to 1v1's on top of a biplane being piloted by the Red Baron. We have to start it out somehow, yeah?