[hider=Layla][center][img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4479/263266-doctor_23_large.png[/img] [/center] [center][color=#757A80][[/color] [color=lightblue]Layla[/color][color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=lightblue]Female[/color] [color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=lightblue]22[/color] [color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=lightblue]Caretaker[/color] [color=#757A80]][/color][/center] [h3][b][u]at first sight [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ n a m e ][/b] [color=lightblue]Layla[/color] [b][ n i c k n a m e ][/b] [color=lightblue]People often refer to her as “Doc” when they start to trust her.[/color] [b][ a g e ][/b] [color=lightblue]22[/color] [b][ b i r t h d a y ][/b] [color=lightblue]October 31, or so she was told[/color] [b][ g e n d e r ][/b] [color=lightblue]Female[/color] [b][ o r i g i n ][/b] [color=lightblue]She vaguely remembers slums but grew up in an Axis facility.[/color] [h3][b][u]you're beautiful [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p h y s i c a l ][ a p p e a r a n c e ][/b] [color=lightblue]Layla has, what a person calls, an ‘average figure’. She doesn’t have much of a chest and is rather average in the height department, if not smaller. What does catch other’s attention is her blurred eyes and then the gentle smile on her face. She always seems to wear a doctor’s lab coat just to look professional and carries around a retractable cane. She does have wing tattoos on her back which, when activated, actually turn into white angel wings.[/color] [b][ e y e ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=lightblue]A blurred violet[/color] [b][ h a i r ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=lightblue]light brown.[/color] [b][ A g e n t o r H a l f b r e e d ][/b] [color=lightblue]Halfbreed Angel[/color] [b][ h e i g h t ][/b] [color=lightblue]5’5[/color] [b][ w e i g h ][/b] [color=lightblue]136 lbs[/color] [b][ m o d i f i c a t i o n s ][/b] [color=lightblue]The Axis made her contacts that would make her look like she’s not blind but she leaves it behind at most times, even lost them once or twice. Her wings were actually modified to be able to contract her wings into a tattoo so she wouldn’t stand out too much but everyone in the facility knows about it anyway. Her back also has multiple scars that couldn't be fully healed thanks to these experiments.[/color] [h3][b][u]under your skin [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p e r s o n a l i t y ][/b] [color=lightblue]Layla is a very calm and caring person. Despite knowing that the Axis, whom she is working for, killed her parents and took her in as some sort of healing slave, she doesn’t bear a grudge towards them. She is passive about a lot of things. She believes that they treat her well enough, given that she was allowed free roam around the facility and even create friends despite her obviously different properties. She is also highly dependent on Vincent when it comes to her personal life when they were young so that’s why she was able to forge a friendly relationship with him.[/color] [b][ h i s t o r y ][/b] [color=lightblue]Layla was born to an angel mother and a human father, causing her to actually have pretty distinct angel physical looks and powers. It was only when she was eight when the Axis raided their home and killed both of her parents. Upon seeing the blind child, they took her in and experimented on her angel wings. It caused pain and they were able to actually hide the wings. They also found that she was able to heal humans, making her quite an asset. But they had to assure her loyalty, and thus was left to Vincent to take care of her and become her ‘friend’. And so she grew up around killer humans who hunt her own kind, but for some odd reason or another, she doesn’t have the heart to hate them. Perhaps it was because of her angel half?[/color] [b][ l o v e s ][/b] [color=lightblue]Books, Helping, Animals (Ichi especially), Healing[/color] [b][ h a t e s ][/b] [color=lightblue]Extreme flavors of food, Life and death situations, Her friends getting hurt[/color] [b][ f a m i l y ][/b] [color=lightblue]They’re dead.[/color] [h3][b][u]skip a heartbeat [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ o r i e n t a t i o n ][/b] [color=lightblue]Demisexual[/color] [b][ s t a t u s ][/b] [color=lightblue]Single[/color] [h3][b][u]what lies unawaken [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p o w e r / e q u i p m e n t ][/b] [color=lightblue]She has the power of flight and can lift at most, twice her size while flying. Any more and she begins have more noticeable difficulties. She also has the power of healing. This works on humans, demons and other angels. She also has a much higher sense of hearing, to the point where she sometimes uses echolocation to figure out where she is, and touch, which she uses for medical purposes (checking for any fractures, heartbeat and things that need actual equipment to figure out.)[/color] [b][ s t r e n g t h s ][/b] [color=lightblue] + She can fly and lift twice her size while she’s at it + She has the power of healing which she can use on herself + Her echolocation skills are very advanced and can probably get through a complicated maze without much trouble [/color] [b][ w e a k n e s s e s ][/b] [color=lightblue] - For one, she’s blind and thus cannot properly defend herself. - While she does have heightened senses, most of the time, she fails to notice who she is talking to or is beside her until they speak up. - She gets tired when she treats truly fatal wounds - She doesn’t have the heart to kill other people (unless extremely angered which is hard to do) [/color] [b][ o t h e r ][/b] [color=lightblue]There are times where she would take care of Ichi, Vincent’s German Shepherd, so she actually grows close to the dog. Despite her disability, she learned how to write. She also knows Morse code which she often uses to convey hidden messages to Vincent.[/color][/hider]