Guinevere paced around the shop for a moment, looking at the different plants on display. The different textures, the shapes of the petals, fine details, the color combinations.... "[i]I should take from these flowers and put it into my work...[/i]" she muttered to herself. The owner of the shop came up to the counter and spoke up. “What can I do you for? Or what can I do for you –– I just like the other version,” he said at the wooden counter. “Everything okay?” Turning her attention to him, she gave a smile and leaned over the counter. "Morning, Mr. Honeywell!" the tailor beamed. "The shop hasn't been busy at all lately, so I decided to do my errands rather than later this evening." Noticing his hidden arm, she gave Arthur an odd look. Assuming he didn't want anyone to [i]see[/i] what happened, Guinevere shook her head, with a small smirk on her face. "I'm here for my order of flowers, to make my dyes." [@McHaggis]