Leanne scoffed and put the can on a tilted desk. She didn't want any help, she just wanted her sister safe. Screw the world as long as River was fine. [color=6c5cad]"Look, this tough guy, sweet act needs to stop. We don't need your help. We got this far on our own. Hell, River traveled here on here own. The only thing you're going to do is get one of us hurt."[/color] Leanne's tone was full of sass and disdain, even if she didn't mean it. She wanted to protect River from everything, keep her safe. If Marcus was going to stand in the way of that, Leanne wasn't going to hesitate to kill him. She would without a second thought. She grabbed a few things then walked out of the building toward another one. Leanne just wanted to finish searching buildings and stay with River. [color=6c5cad]"Why did I even leave her?"[/color] she muttered to herself. She should've asked to pair up with River. Then at least she would've been able to have a nice conversation that didn't involve insults or wanting to shoot people. [color=6c5cad]"Keep your trap shut for the rest of the time we scavenge? That would be a blessing. I don't need any of your promises. Not one."[/color] Leanne looked at him then turned abruptly to another door, walking inside the seemingly untouched house.