[center][h2][color=moccasin]Tsukiko Umene[/color][/h2][/center] [i][color=moccasin]These kids are stupid,[/color][/i] she thought to herself as they spoke in turn, one-by-one. They all had something [i]smart[/i] to say, and all seemed to think that their opinions and thoughts mattered. A complete lack of cohesion among the three teenagers. They all considered themselves to be more important than the others, and they all had the delusion that whatever experience they had was anywhere close to good enough. Their attitudes annoyed Tsukiko greatly, so much so that she mostly tuned out their drawling and only paid attention to the relevant information. Their skills, abilities, strengths. [i]The only things she asked for[/i]. But, of course, the kids were stupid enough to try and get a read on Tsukiko. [color=moccasin]"You little shits think you know why I'm here, eh?"[/color] she spoke up, the look of irritation on her face and the cynical tone of her voice perfectly expressing the sharpness of her words. Before she could go on further, where she would've surely worked herself up enough to try and strike terror into their hearts, Senhime clapped her hands a few times and spoke up. They were saved by the bell, so to speak. It would only be a slight reprieve from the hell that they were going to experience for the next two weeks. [color=moccasin]"There are no breaks,"[/color] Tsukiko responded to the commander, her irritated tone still in place. Then she directed her gaze to the kids. [color=moccasin]"After your meals you will immediately report to the first training room. Nobody is going to waste time."[/color] With this she kept an intimidating gaze on the three until they finally left, before turning her attention back to the Commander. [color=moccasin]"Listen,"[/color] she began, scooting off the table and picking her knife up out of the floor. [color=moccasin]"This whole operation has been a mess since long before I joined. There needs to be more discipline, more devotion. I don't give a damn about any little sob stories your recruits have because they won't help a damn thing. You can only get so far on unfocused emotion. At a certain point you will have to put your foot down. You'll have to get your hands [i]bloody[/i]."[/color] Tsukiko looked back to the gash in the table and pondered briefly before looking back to Senhime. [color=moccasin]"If they mouth off like that again, I will beat them. I will train them to become real soldiers. Whatever training they've gotten up to this point clearly hasn't paid off. If they aren't completely useless then they'll become assets by the time I'm done. That, or they'll die. Now, about this fucking table..."[/color] The older woman leaned over the table, holding the knife in her hand above the gash with the tip pointed down. [color=moccasin]"Do you want a Jiyutai emblem or do you dare to let me get [i]creative[/i]?"[/color] Senhime had obviously given Tsukiko this command as a power play, to help assert her own authority, and to that end it bothered Tsukiko greatly. Still, if Tsukiko were to dissent before Senhime then that action would reverberate throughout the Jiyutai. A ripple effect that wouldn't be worth starting if she wanted this organization to get anything done. She'd bite the bullet and make the table look nicer, but without any sort of knowledge of how to fix tables that have been stabbed, the conclusion she came to was to make a carving out of the existing gash. At any rate, whether Senhime would take the question seriously or not, Tsukiko was certainly not going to repair the table properly. It would take time better served to turning the self-important rebellious teenagers into killing machines.