Hello again, folks. I made a post about four months back describing two characters which, at the time, I wasn't sure I would be able to play as. The post in question is quoted below: [hider=Post] [quote=@BCTheEntity] I've been eyeing this for a while, because it looks [i]really really good,[/i] and I've had an idea for a couple of characters that I don't want to go to waste. I might make the characters myself, if I can find appropriate representations for them and the time to play this alongside the other RPs I'm in at the moment, but if I can't, I at least want them to be available for others to potentially pick up. Long story short, imagine if the human members of Pokemon's Team Rocket were turned into Hierarchy angels, the former with holy flamethrowers and a lantern shield, the latter with a machine gun and/or gatling cannon whose fire rate increases the longer it's fired for, and both probably a bit more threatening than the characters they're expied from. Those sorts of characters, yeah. That said, if anybody likes the idea of them, feel free to comment on the idea, or snatch them up and use them as their own; I'd recommend Yiskah and Ya'aqov for names, given that those are the Hebrew origins of Jessica and (via Latin Iacobos, or Jacob) James. Alternatively, if I do eventually find the time to play this, I'll come back to them and see if they're still available. [/quote] [/hider] Time's passed since then, and I've got enough spare time to join this now... but, um. The game appears to be full, or is at least indicating that that's the case. Is this true, and if not, would it be at all plausible for me to join this at this stage, say through an event of some sort or another?