[b]Name:[/b] Luna Jones [b]Nickname:[/b] Lu [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/04/f5/portrait,hair,woman,inspiration,white-04f57ac5421050c34586c844ada41db9_h.jpg[/img] She stands at 5"10, has bright green eyes, and a light skin tone. She has a willowy appearance [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] Mute from birth, Luna is nevertheless a very loud person, animate In her communication, and in her presence. She is an extremely bright individual, the very epitome of bubbly. She is cheerful, willing to help everyone and willing to see the good in anything. She can be a tad rash, impulsive even, often acting on what she thinks is right and going off, but other times she sees the sense in patience. She can also get frustrated when she is misunderstood, but most of the time she is cheerful. [b]Character background:[/b] Born to what would be considered a disadvantage family, Luna was premature by two months. She spent most of her first year in hospital, her mother, a former drug addict, working hard to ensure she was healthy and happy. But it soon became apparent that Luna was mute. Luna however didn't let this stop her getting into trouble, tipping over IV stands, throwing her food across the room, and making a general mess. Luna never considered herself disadvantaged, indeed she seemed like any other child, making friends, and doing well in school. She seemed to draw people to her, and never thought to question why she couldn't talk. Having learned sign language Luna decided she wanted to teach deaf children and set her sights on that. She gained a scholarship to college, but took a year off deciding to round out her skills, she learned hunting, archery, camping, cooking and music. She considered herself a well rounded individual as she went to college a year after graduation. She wanted to prove that just because you were different didn't mean you couldn't be just like everyone else. It was in her second year when her mother died, killed in a car accident. Luna life changed drastically, as she was now alone, no family to speak of. She fell into a spiral of depression. It lasted months, her school work began to take a dive, and it looked like she would lose everything she gained. She was never quite sure what changed things around, but one day it just seemed easier. She improved in her studies, and life didn't seem so hard. She finished her degree, and she got a job helping deaf children in school. For a while, she was happy. [b]Equipment:[/b] -[url=bow]http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1s_M.HFXXXXXUXFXXq6xXFXXXh/The-Dream-bow-Black-color-hunting-compound-bow-bow-and-arrow-20-70lbs-adjustable-compound-bow.jpg [/url] with 30 arrows -basic food stuff, tin food mostly. Four cans of spaghetti, two cans of peas carrot and corn, two tins of fruit salad, four small tons of tuna. Some granola bars. -two liters of water -matches -a spare change of clothes [b]Weapons:[/b] asides from the bow, a small hand held pistol that she has no idea how to use, with a splattering of bullets. A dagger that she found on the road [color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color][/sub] I am not happy with her personality but shes a new character im trying so...