[hider=Renee Meir] [b]Name:[/b] Renee Meir [b]Nickname:[/b] None as of yet, but maybe she'll get one. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Appearance:[/b] Average height, about 5'7". Not fat, but she is on the chubby, 'I'm extra huggable' side (About 170?). Pale complexion, freckles everywhere. Freckle [i]explosion[/i]. Her hair is thick and wavy, cut to her shoulders, and a dark brown. Usually it's pulled all the way back into a high ponytail. Her eyes are a similar brown. One of her eyebrows is naturally a bit higher than the other, so she always looks a bit amused or skeptical. She's got a bunch of tiny scars on her right arm and one on her chin. She has a tattoo of an outline of a twenty-sided die on her left collarbone. [hider=Just in case you might want the visual.] [img]https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1509658_412726655571515_2655928064029473711_n.jpg?oh=f2c3460bce3fcd199c8c6c50dc1e6457&oe=5827C066 [/img] [/hider] [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] Renee is largely independent and logical. Or so she'd like to think. She truly can't grasp her own mind the way some others may be able to, and escapes this problem by reading. She avoids conflict by ignoring it completely or running away, unless forced into a situation where she needs to deal with it. She's intelligent and enjoys learning. When around new people, she's often awkward and quiet, to a nearly painful degree. She prefers watching and listening when in unfamiliar settings. She goes into every situation with an alarming amount of distrust for the people around her. [b]Character background:[/b] Renee grew up in a trailer park just outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was a nice trailer park, though. Only a couple of meth labs. She was the youngest in her family, with one full-blooded sister, and three half siblings that lived on the other side of the country. Growing up without much money was never an issue for her, but she'd always wanted to go camping. Her best friend's father was a survival nut and taught her just about everything she needed to know on how to rough it in the woods. She tried to keep away from the other kids, and preferred reading books to getting high. Kids bullied her and used her, and she only made one or two close friends. School was problematic, even if she had above-average scores. Things kept going in much the same way until high school. She read so much that they actually banned her from bringing books to school. She dropped out in her senior year and got a job in fast food. She had a plan, unlike a lot of drop-outs. She wasn't ashamed to live with her parents or pay rent to them. Dropping out was just a way to start her life. She wanted to be a pastry chef and open the first cat cafe in Minneapolis with her best friend. She was thinking about attending a college in Toronto. [b]Equipment:[/b] A small purse (A bit smaller than a messenger bag): One half-used bottle of Advil; a wallet with a few dollars and some change; a fantasy novel, the spine worn; A box of band-aids, ten left; and half a bottle of soda. A medium backpack: Toiletries; two sets of clothes; another book (survival tips); a small fire-starting kit; some food; a few pens and a notebook; a half-broken, mostly unreliable umbrella. Clothes: Jeans (blue/white), double-layered (blue, blue-green) tank tops, dark grey winter hoodie, some ugly black winter boots. And a fake dragon tooth necklace that she never, ever removes. [b]Weapons:[/b] Her dad's a crazy medieval weapons collector, and she inherited that obsession. She has this wicked-looking knife that probably belongs at a Ren-fest. About forearm-length. [/hider] If anything needs to be fixed, do tell! I haven't done this in awhile. ;-; [color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color]